Spicy Curry Meat Stuffing

  This delicious stuffing can transform into lots of different dish. I make dumplings, samosas, and bread with this stuffing. If you love spicy curry like I do you will like the flavor. I used minced beef with this recipe but it is well suited with other meat e.g. pork, chicken, and lamb. Give it a try with your own creation.


200 g mince beef
1 ts finely chopped garlic
3-4 potatoes
1-2 coarsely chopped carrots
1/3 cups frozen green peas
1/2 chopped onion
1/3 canned corn
1  TBS curry powder
1/2 TBS chili powder
some cooking oil
pepper and salt

By Bellalean

1. Peel off the potato skin and boil them in a pot. Drain well and mash it while it's hot. Season with some pepper and salt and put it aside.

2. Add some cooking oil in a wok or pan. Add chopped garlic and stir fry until fragrant.

3. Add chopped onion and stir fry for 1 minutes then combine with chopped carrots.

By Bellalean
3. Once the carrots half cooked, add the mince beef and stir fry until the meat is browned.

By Bellalean

4. Put the peas and corns and stir fry until all ingredients are well cooked.

5. Drain the oil out and pour it into mashed potato and mix it well. Season with curry powder, chili powder and pepper and salt.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

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