Quick survival meal

I haven't had a time to do my grocery shopping so I searched the pantry to see what I could cook with. The time was already very late for dinner and my tummy was growling. Hey look what I found!

Found by Bellalean

Let me transform this into a quick meal.

All I had was some Kimchi in the fridge.


1 can boiled mackerel
1/2 cup Kimchi
200ml water
1 TBS light soy sauce
1/2 TBS Korean chili powder

Serves 2
By Bellalean
By Bellalean

1. Drain the oil out of the mackerel can. Put it into a pot and add water. Bring it to boil then throw in some kimchi.

2. Season with pepper, chili powder and light soy sauce

3. Simmer for 10 minutes.

You can surely make this better with onions, spring onions, garlic etc... But it was still quite good to eat with boiled rice and some nori. Here is my spoonful of the cooked Mackerel. Yum Yum...
Eaten by Bellalean

Some rice wrapped in nori too... Yum Yum...

Eaten by Bellalean

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

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